Sajnovics Castle

The Sajnovics Castle, located in Tordas, Hungary, has a rich history dating back to the 17th century. In 1687, Mátyás Sajnovics became the owner of the estate and established the castle. The structure underwent significant reconstruction in the late 19th century, adopting a historicist-romantic Tudor architectural style.

The castle is notably associated with János Sajnovics, a Jesuit monk born in Tordas in 1733. He was a pioneering linguist, mathematician, and astronomer, renowned for his work in comparative linguistics, particularly his demonstration of the relationship between the Sami and Hungarian languages.

In the 1930s, the castle gained international attention when it was visited by King George VI. Following World War II, it served as a training camp for the Hungarian Golden Team. However, since 2006, the castle has remained vacant.

Today, visitors to Tordas can explore the Sajnovics Castle and the monument dedicated to János Sajnovics, delving into the village's historical and cultural heritage.

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